My teaching primarily consists of courses and seminars for graduate students at WUDPAC. I also guest lecture throughout the country on topics like conservation history and ethics, community-engaged practice, DEAI in conservation, and organizational change in museums. Selected courses and lectures are below.

Preventive Conservation Research & Applications

Primary instructor, Winterthur/University of Delaware

This semester-long course allows students to carry out independent preventive projects, with lectures on select preventive topics geared towards their projects.


Preventive Minor Advisor

Primary instructor, Winterthur/University of Delaware

Advised a preventive conservation minor on applying systems thinking and social justice frameworks to inclusive preventive conservation practice

Introduction to Museums

Guest lecturer, University of Delaware

Presented an introduction of conservation to undergraduate students, with a focus on community-based conservation

Principles, Practices & Ethics

Guest lecturer, UCLA/Getty

Regularly teach a seminar on conservation history and ethics

Andrew W. Mellon Opportunity for Diversity in Conservation

Guest lecturer, UCLA/Getty

Regularly teach a seminar on decolonizing conservation